For all Examinations where Aptitude is required. Especially banking.
Assumption based questions.......
He will give a statement and assumptions. we have to say whether the assumptions given by him are correct or wrong.
example ::
statement : Banking services are fine tuned to meet growing business needs - Advertisement
Assumption : 1. Banking is a part of business activity
2. Industrialists prefer better banking services.
a) Assumption 1 is implicit
b) 2 is implicit
c) either 1 or 2
d) neither 1 nor 2
e) both 1 and 2
Given statement is an advertisement. Here both the assumptions are implicit so the correct answer is e).
But how can we say the given assumptions are implicit or not we have to go for a long story but quickly given here directly taken from M K PANDEY.
we all know that Assumption is something which is assumed, supposed and taken for granted.
while inferring assumption we have to carefully look at the sentence for some words let us see what are those words.
----Definitive words
Some words in the sentence shows much impact on the whole sentence or statement. These words gives exclusiveness to the sentence and reduce the range or scope of the statement.
Some Keywords among them are :::: Only, Best, Strongest, All, Definitely and Certainly etc.,
Statement : The BOP crisis has worsened and the governement should make every effort to boost exports.
Assumptions: 1. Exports are the best solution to avert the BOP crisis.
2. Exports are a reasonably good solution to the BOP crisis
3. Exports are the only solution to overcome the BOP crisis
4. The BOP crisi will be Definitely averted by boosting exports.
5. The BOP crisi will be Probably averted by boosting exports.
Here only 1st and 5th assumptions are valid. we can not assume that improving Exports is the best or only or Definite solution to the BOP crisis.
The nature of the conjuction which connects the two clauses has much impact in detecting assumptions.
Some significant conjuctions are :: Because, So, Despite, Inspite-of, Evenafter, Although, As, As a result of.
Let A be one Clause of sentence mentions an event/fact/suggestion
B is another Clause of sentence mentions an event/fact/suggestion
then the following assumptions can be concluded
-> A(because/ as a result of B) is the statement here we can clearly assume
======B leads to A
-> A(therfore/hence B) is the statement
======A leads to B can be assumed
-> A(even after/ Despite/Inspite-of B) is the statement
====== Usually A does not occur when B occurs.
-> Not (even after/ Despite/Inspite-of B) is the statement
====== Usually A occurs when B does.
There was a murder last night even after the police had arranged for maximum security around the area
Assumption is Arrangement of maximum security is usually sufficient to prevent murders.
Here the statement has conjuction "evenafter" so assumption will be of this pattern shown above.
----- Connotive phrases.
Sometimes the author uses the words which are slightly indirect, unconventional
For example " It is true " can be written as
- It would be correct to say that.
- Even the most Sceptic of men would argue that
- It can be claimed with reasonable degree of truth that
***Existence/ NON-Existence of the subject
What is being talked about must be existing similarly, if its absence is being talked about it must not be existing.
we can clearly understand if we look at the following examples.
Love marriages are mostly end in divorce.
Assumptions : Love marriages do take place.
There are the cases of Divorce.
Existence of Love marriages and Divorce are assumptions
The company will not go into profit unless a foriegn trade manager is brought.
Assumption : At present there are no foreign trade managers in the company
Here the absence of foriegn trade manager is discussed so no foriegn trade manager exist is the assumption.
if there is adjective attached to the subject in the given statement we have to assume The subject does have the quality as denoted by the nature.
The Bright Red colloured sky looked beautiful enough to bring out poet in him.
Assumption : The sky appears bright red sometimes.
******Cause effect
Different versions of this questions
1. Explicitly stating Cause Effect relationship.
ex: It rained last night. The grounds must have become wet
Assumption : When it rains ground becomes wet
2. Form of "Because no cause, hence no effect'
ex : As you does not have the expertise, you cannot be selected.
Assumption : Expertise is essential for Selection.
3. Althogh cause , Yet no effect
ex : Although the city was under knee deep water for 4 days in this monsoon, there was no outbreak of cholera.
Assumption : Water logging usually leads to cholera
********course of Action
A fact/Report/observation is given followed by a suggested course of action
x----Given fact/observation/Report.
y----Suggested course of action
Two type of questions based on this.
Type1--Negative aspect of X is mentioned and Y is suggested
Type2--Positive aspect of X is mentioned and Y is suggested
Type1 Assumptions -- X needs improvement
Negative aspects of X are undesirable/harmful
Y will improve X
The advantage of adopting Y far overweigh the disadvantage of not adopting it.
Similarly Type2 assumptions will be positive
Example: The working atmosphere in our public sector unit can only be described as indisciplined and uncoordinated therfore some harsh disciplinary actions need to be taken.
Assunptions:: The working atmosphere in public sector units needs improvement.
Indiscipline and uncoordination are undesirable in any industry.
Taking harsh disciplinary actions would improve the working atmosphere of our public sector units.
The benefits outweigh the disadvantage of taking harsh disciplinary action.
A cause leads to some effect in one type of objects. It will also leads to the same effect in another type of objects
Ex: properly fed and starved monkeys were made to run through a puzzle. It was seen that starved monkeys could not make their way fast. This proves that the lower intelligence of people in poor countries is the result of malnutrition.
Assumption :: The effect of malnutrition on the intelligence of monkeys is parallel to those on human beings.
********* Advertisements/Notices/Appeals
An Advertisement/Notice/Appeal does have some effect
In case of an advertisement, that which is being highlighted is looked for and expected by people.
In case of public interest notice, it is the duty of those issue it, to issue such notices
In case of public interest notice, what is being advised must be benificial for people and its non practice is harmful in some way
In case of an appeal the reason for issuing it exists
In case of an official notice , the effect of its implementation will be benificial for organisation.
we have looked at standard categories of this assumption based questions.
Now we shall look at when the given assumption based on the given statement is invalid.
Two categories
1. Assumption is Outrightly incoorect.
If the given assumption is contrtary to the given statement or no connection to the statement we can say invalid just by seeing.
2. Assumption cannot be outrightly incoorec but closer look at it shows invalid.
(i) Restatement.
An asuumption is invalid if it is mere restatement -putting the given statement again in different words
(ii) Obversion.
Two of the subject, verb, predicate are changed to negative which change the appearance of sentence but not meaning. then assumption is invalid.
(iii) Conversion
All X are Y --invalid assumption is some Y are X
Some X are Y--invalid assumption is some Y are X
No X are Y -- invalid assumption is no Y are X
(iv) Inference
Assumption is invalid if it can be inferred from statement
(v) Long Drawn conclusion
Assumption is invalid if it makes too far fetched reasoning or long drawn conclusion even if it appears to be probably correct
Assumption based questions.......
He will give a statement and assumptions. we have to say whether the assumptions given by him are correct or wrong.
example ::
statement : Banking services are fine tuned to meet growing business needs - Advertisement
Assumption : 1. Banking is a part of business activity
2. Industrialists prefer better banking services.
a) Assumption 1 is implicit
b) 2 is implicit
c) either 1 or 2
d) neither 1 nor 2
e) both 1 and 2
Given statement is an advertisement. Here both the assumptions are implicit so the correct answer is e).
But how can we say the given assumptions are implicit or not we have to go for a long story but quickly given here directly taken from M K PANDEY.
we all know that Assumption is something which is assumed, supposed and taken for granted.
while inferring assumption we have to carefully look at the sentence for some words let us see what are those words.
----Definitive words
Some words in the sentence shows much impact on the whole sentence or statement. These words gives exclusiveness to the sentence and reduce the range or scope of the statement.
Some Keywords among them are :::: Only, Best, Strongest, All, Definitely and Certainly etc.,
Statement : The BOP crisis has worsened and the governement should make every effort to boost exports.
Assumptions: 1. Exports are the best solution to avert the BOP crisis.
2. Exports are a reasonably good solution to the BOP crisis
3. Exports are the only solution to overcome the BOP crisis
4. The BOP crisi will be Definitely averted by boosting exports.
5. The BOP crisi will be Probably averted by boosting exports.
Here only 1st and 5th assumptions are valid. we can not assume that improving Exports is the best or only or Definite solution to the BOP crisis.
The nature of the conjuction which connects the two clauses has much impact in detecting assumptions.
Some significant conjuctions are :: Because, So, Despite, Inspite-of, Evenafter, Although, As, As a result of.
Let A be one Clause of sentence mentions an event/fact/suggestion
B is another Clause of sentence mentions an event/fact/suggestion
then the following assumptions can be concluded
-> A(because/ as a result of B) is the statement here we can clearly assume
======B leads to A
-> A(therfore/hence B) is the statement
======A leads to B can be assumed
-> A(even after/ Despite/Inspite-of B) is the statement
====== Usually A does not occur when B occurs.
-> Not (even after/ Despite/Inspite-of B) is the statement
====== Usually A occurs when B does.
There was a murder last night even after the police had arranged for maximum security around the area
Assumption is Arrangement of maximum security is usually sufficient to prevent murders.
Here the statement has conjuction "evenafter" so assumption will be of this pattern shown above.
----- Connotive phrases.
Sometimes the author uses the words which are slightly indirect, unconventional
For example " It is true " can be written as
- It would be correct to say that.
- Even the most Sceptic of men would argue that
- It can be claimed with reasonable degree of truth that
***Existence/ NON-Existence of the subject
What is being talked about must be existing similarly, if its absence is being talked about it must not be existing.
we can clearly understand if we look at the following examples.
Love marriages are mostly end in divorce.
Assumptions : Love marriages do take place.
There are the cases of Divorce.
Existence of Love marriages and Divorce are assumptions
The company will not go into profit unless a foriegn trade manager is brought.
Assumption : At present there are no foreign trade managers in the company
Here the absence of foriegn trade manager is discussed so no foriegn trade manager exist is the assumption.
if there is adjective attached to the subject in the given statement we have to assume The subject does have the quality as denoted by the nature.
The Bright Red colloured sky looked beautiful enough to bring out poet in him.
Assumption : The sky appears bright red sometimes.
******Cause effect
Different versions of this questions
1. Explicitly stating Cause Effect relationship.
ex: It rained last night. The grounds must have become wet
Assumption : When it rains ground becomes wet
2. Form of "Because no cause, hence no effect'
ex : As you does not have the expertise, you cannot be selected.
Assumption : Expertise is essential for Selection.
3. Althogh cause , Yet no effect
ex : Although the city was under knee deep water for 4 days in this monsoon, there was no outbreak of cholera.
Assumption : Water logging usually leads to cholera
********course of Action
A fact/Report/observation is given followed by a suggested course of action
x----Given fact/observation/Report.
y----Suggested course of action
Two type of questions based on this.
Type1--Negative aspect of X is mentioned and Y is suggested
Type2--Positive aspect of X is mentioned and Y is suggested
Type1 Assumptions -- X needs improvement
Negative aspects of X are undesirable/harmful
Y will improve X
The advantage of adopting Y far overweigh the disadvantage of not adopting it.
Similarly Type2 assumptions will be positive
Example: The working atmosphere in our public sector unit can only be described as indisciplined and uncoordinated therfore some harsh disciplinary actions need to be taken.
Assunptions:: The working atmosphere in public sector units needs improvement.
Indiscipline and uncoordination are undesirable in any industry.
Taking harsh disciplinary actions would improve the working atmosphere of our public sector units.
The benefits outweigh the disadvantage of taking harsh disciplinary action.
A cause leads to some effect in one type of objects. It will also leads to the same effect in another type of objects
Ex: properly fed and starved monkeys were made to run through a puzzle. It was seen that starved monkeys could not make their way fast. This proves that the lower intelligence of people in poor countries is the result of malnutrition.
Assumption :: The effect of malnutrition on the intelligence of monkeys is parallel to those on human beings.
********* Advertisements/Notices/Appeals
An Advertisement/Notice/Appeal does have some effect
In case of an advertisement, that which is being highlighted is looked for and expected by people.
In case of public interest notice, it is the duty of those issue it, to issue such notices
In case of public interest notice, what is being advised must be benificial for people and its non practice is harmful in some way
In case of an appeal the reason for issuing it exists
In case of an official notice , the effect of its implementation will be benificial for organisation.
we have looked at standard categories of this assumption based questions.
Now we shall look at when the given assumption based on the given statement is invalid.
Two categories
1. Assumption is Outrightly incoorect.
If the given assumption is contrtary to the given statement or no connection to the statement we can say invalid just by seeing.
2. Assumption cannot be outrightly incoorec but closer look at it shows invalid.
(i) Restatement.
An asuumption is invalid if it is mere restatement -putting the given statement again in different words
(ii) Obversion.
Two of the subject, verb, predicate are changed to negative which change the appearance of sentence but not meaning. then assumption is invalid.
(iii) Conversion
All X are Y --invalid assumption is some Y are X
Some X are Y--invalid assumption is some Y are X
No X are Y -- invalid assumption is no Y are X
(iv) Inference
Assumption is invalid if it can be inferred from statement
(v) Long Drawn conclusion
Assumption is invalid if it makes too far fetched reasoning or long drawn conclusion even if it appears to be probably correct